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We are all very much aware of how recent technologies have changed the face of the business world. Naturally, in the beginning it arrived with big price tags and only the already established players in the game could afford it. But due to the explosion of the digital age, everyone is now able to have a piece of the pie. As an entrepreneur you want to avoid the costs that come with the challenges of a new start-up. The global supply chain has given equal opportunity to everyone, and all you actually need to do is to think “tech savvy” and you are on your way.

But what are the best types of technologies that will work for your business? We obviously need to start with the absolute basics, such as a sturdy Internet connection, computers, mobile devices and having a strong online presence. While these are just fundamentals, here are 5 game changers that will take your business to the next level:

  1. Data Virtualisation and Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing sounds higher grade? No, it’s something most of us have adapted to already. It’s a type of storage that allows you to store everything in one place, but not on a device. The more you can move into the cloud the better. As you grow it will be easier for you to manage all your information and navigate through your data as your business expands. Virtualisation and cloud services help you have your entire business infrastructure managed without breaking the bank and needing to train an entire team. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Easily accessible
  • Flexibility & scalability
  • Disaster & data recovery
  • Cost efficient
  • Collaboration
  • Almost unlimited storage
  • Automatic software integration
  1. Wi-Fi  

Everybody loves Wi-Fi, especially if it’s free! Wi-Fi Marketing is the way forward! Advertising your business’ products or services through Wi-Fi is going to get people more engaged with your brand. Why not even own the platform and deliver adverts on your existing Wi-Fi network? One of South Africa’s most innovative companies called Wi-Fi offers endless Wi-Fi marketing opportunities; allowing you to turn your existing Wi-Fi network into your very own marketing tool. Here is how Wi-Fire can add a whole new revenue stream for you to grow into:

  • Get a deeper understanding of your customers, using the customer analytics tool
  • Allows you to develop hyper-targeted marketing strategies to get your business soaring
  • Build customer loyalty with real time engagement and promoting new products.
  • Allows you to create and control your branding on your own Wi-Fi network
  1.  Mobile Technology

If you look around, what keeps most people engaged? Their phones! Mobile technology has taken over. Bringing it into the work environment can only benefit your business. Not just by having a mobile-friendly website, but actually using mobiles in business. It’s also a way of reducing IT costs – it functions well with everything and keeps up with all the new trends. Mobile apps are taking over business applications! The movement of interacting with customers through mobile has already begun. Mobile phones are more than capable of performing everyday tasks that allow for optimal functioning. Converting to mobile technology is probably one of the easiest and smartest moves for any business.

  1. Data & CRM System

We all know that business is about building relationships, how well you build them will determine how well they grow. As a business owner, investing in a well functioning CRM System will do you wonders no matter what industry you are in. Real Estate, Hospitality, pharmaceutical, construction, Debt Collection, or sales and marketing, to name a few. Each business will need its own tailored system. Assisting you with everything from:

  • Analyzing customer interactions throughout the customer lifecycle
  • Compiling information on your customers across all your different channels
  • Driving sales growth.
  • Organised structure
  • Storage of data

The more data you have the better; in this day and age data is everything! You may be in a position where you already have big data captured. Sometimes keeping it up-to-date and organised is like cleaning out a teenager’s room! Don’t let big data get the better of you, manage and clean it out to get the best results. Data cleaning solutions are always a good move, especially for a growing business.

  1. Data Security

As more and more businesses adopt cloud computing, chances are you are concerned about security. There’s no use having all this data and a growing business if it’s not safe. Both small businesses and corporations are vulnerable to hackers if attention isn’t given to cyber security. To avoid cyber attacks such as those that have recently happened to many global businesses, you need to protect yourself from all angles. Many cyber security solutions have extended across the cloud to provide unmatched protection for the gaps that can be introduced by the adoption of cloud applications. In fact, there are many different kinds of cyber security solutions out there.
Some basic tips to consider are:

  • Choose the Cloud Security solution that best suits your business
  • Provide firewall security for your internet connection
  • Make backup copies of all business data
  • Secure your Wi-Fi networks
  • Make sure security software is up to date
  • Establish good security practices & policies
  • Create a mobile device action plan

To be ahead of the game and get the best possible benefit out of these technological advancements you must become knowledgeable on what they have to offer and how you can adapt them to your business.

Find out more about Blake and stay connected with us on Linkedin.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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