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Debt Recovery can be an arduous task. Even if you are owed minimal amounts, unpaid invoices can be a detriment to cash flow, thus resulting in the limitation of growth and investment within your business.

Blake & Associates therefore offer Business to Business & Low Volume Debt Recovery solutions to effectively recover low volume debt in a bespoke and seamless manner.

As one of the largest debt collection agencies in the country, with over 28 years experience, we have acquired a large amount of public data that allows us to have better insight into an individual’s debt and effectively provide them with the best solutions.

With the use of our Omni-Channel Approach, we are able to better communicate through multiple channels and effectively recommend personalised options that are tailored to your client’s requirements; aiding in effective debt recovery and client retention.

Business to Business Debt Recovery

We understand that recovery of debt needs to be done in a tactful manner to maintain customer relationships. We tactfully approach the collection of debt to ensure that any ongoing or potential business relationship between you and the debtor aren’t jeopardised.

Register your business today.

Medical Debt Recovery

Each debt paid could make the treatment of the next patient possible. With medical costs rising, the increase in unpaid medical bills has put an unneeded pressure on health care providers, medical practitioners and hospitals. Our Medical Debt Recovery service can assist:

Government hospitals
Private hospitals
Private practices
Pathology Laboratories
General Practitioners

Register your practice or facility today.

Education Debt Recovery

We provide you with an effective solution to minimise loss to your educational facility as well as assist in delivering a stable education to your pupils.

Government Schools
Semi-private Schools
Private Schools
Technical Colleges
Primary Education
Secondary Education
Tertiary Education

Register your faculty today.

With our team of highly trained debt collection specialists, combined with years of experience, leading debt recovery technology, and the largest database of records in the country, we are able to proactively approach people or companies within early stages of debt and help prevent them from becoming further indebted, by communicating and developing alternative suitable arrangements.

Blake & Associates delivers industry-leading debt-recovery rates. Our service fees have been structured to benefit you. Meaning, you are only required to pay for our services based on our collections. Our rates are commission based therefore “no collection – no fee”.

As market leaders in debt collection, we have implemented state-of-the-art systems, people and processes that have not only earned us our coveted reputation but placed us at the forefront of the debt collection industry.

Or register online:
B2B Collections
Medical Collections
Educations Collections

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